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Some of the best study methods

Writer's picture: Gummy EducationGummy Education

Ways to increase productivity with this non-exhaustive list of study methods

A guy studying hard

Is your child experiencing difficulties in learning what was taught in school? Want to do more to help your child? If so, why not try exploring some of these study methods? 

Among the convoluted lists of study methods that can be found online, here are a few common and highly effective study methods, categorized between two key uses, with the first being for improving memorization and second for understanding concepts.

For Memorization

1. Active recall

A girl repeating to herself what she learnt, trying to memorize her notes

This helps to improve one’s memory through remembering what was taught or learnt before. It can be carried out through verbal repetition and quizzes, to name a few. 

Examples include teaching or reciting what was learnt. By explaining or reading aloud more than once, this wires the brain to automatically remember content over time. 

Quizzes, especially with rewards given after, are also a fun and educational option. Andrew Sobel, a professor of international studies at Washington University in St. Louis, realized that his students were studying the wrong way. In order to help his students study more effectively he started giving his students nine quizzes instead of two tests. Eventually, the students were writing answers comparable to that of his upper division students. Quizzes help to identify areas of weaknesses for students to correct themselves and ensure they memorize content more thoroughly. They are also a great way to motivate students to retrieve information from their brain , as well as getting them used to the practice of memorizing what they have learnt.

2. Visual learning

A colorful pie chart

Visual learning is suitable for those who prefer learning through images. 

Diagrams and charts such as mind maps make it easier for visual learners to contain the information they have learnt.

Highlighting is another way for visual learners to memorize content. They love colors, and being able to add that little extra spark to their work is a way which motivates and makes it easier for them to memorize. 

3. Writing

A girl writing a long list of words

Writing emphasizes on every word in the content learnt, ensuring there are no keyworks being left out.

According to a study published by the Frontiers of Psychology, the action of writing by hand have a beneficial impact on the brain’s connectivity pattern, which improves memory and promotes learning.

For Understanding Of Key Concepts

1. Summarizing 

A notebook filled with summarized notes.

By summarizing the most important points within a topic, it provides greater clarity on the main points.

Summarization can be done through various ways, such as using lists and bullet points, or mind maps. When the content is being presented in a concise manner , or presents the link between different ideas and concepts, it forces one to think much more deeply about the topic, and develop greater understanding of it.

2. Feynman Technique

A child explaining his work to his parent

Despite its fancy name, the Feynman technique is a straightforward and commonly used method to break down complex concepts into simpler terms for better understanding.

The Feynman technique is done by teaching or explaining a concept to another. This method encourages one to try to explain the content in simpler terms and in their own words, improving their clarity on what they have learnt.

3. Pomodoro Technique

Steps on how to carry out the Pomodoro Technique. Firstly, plan your tasks. Secondly, time yourself for 25 minutes of doing work and then take a 5 minute break. Lastly, Repeat this Pomodoro Technique 4 times, and then take an even longer break at the end of the session.

The Pomodoro Technique is used for improved focus by using study breaks to break up the workload into manageable portions, reducing burnout and maintaining the mental energy to complete the subsequent tasks throughout the study time. 

If getting your child to adapt to this study method poses as a challenge, you can get them to start off with just a few minutes of studying before taking a break, while increasing the frequency of the intervals. Another solution would be to create a reward system after the end of each study session.

There are many YouTubers who upload plenty of "study with me" videos following the Pomodoro Technique, such as Abao in Tokyo and Mango Oatmilk. It would be a good idea to make use of these videos for your child's next study session.


According to Mark McDaniel, Director of the Center for Integrative Research on Cognition, Learning, and Education (CIRCLE) Research Scientist: "One of the gaps or problems in the educational system is that no one ever helps a student figure out how to learn, and yet that’s the primary challenge a student is faced with." Students are only taught what they should be studying, but no one really tells them how they should study.

Finding the suitable study method is key to getting far in a student's educational journey. These are just a few, out of the many, study methods available. When studying, there can be an overlap of the methods listed above, and are not limited to these few.


<a href="">Image by freepik</a>

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